You know what’s so great about having a tight-knit group of girl friends? They are the ones you can call when you get a wild hair up your butt (okay, that old saying is pretty gross!) and they will totally be down for your shenanigans.

That’s what happened in May, 2020. It was a super hot week (we live in Arizona) and I was feeling a bit rundown between the kids finishing their school year, my work schedule and just life. I needed a break! So, I called up the girls and said “Let’s drive to Sedona in the morning to take the kids fishing.” And like the ride-or-die friends they are, they simultaneously texted back “Count me in.”
We decided to visit the Sedona Rainbow Trout Farm because between the four of us, we have eight kiddos ranging from ages 2-14. The Farm is a tranquil safe space where we could fish and picnic. It cost $1 per person to rent a bamboo pole and when you catch trout (which is easy to do here because they keep it very well stocked), you pay by the pound (there’s no catch and release). The Farm will clean your catches for you and supply foil, seasoning and lemon juice to use when grilling your fish in one of the many picnic areas.
Being the #badmoms we are, we packed some side dishes, drinks for the kids, and snuck in some mommy drinks for us (wine, sangria, beer… you know – the essentials) and had a wonderful day of fishing, eating and drinking at The Sedona Rainbow Trout Farm before stopping at a nearby creek for a quick swim before driving back to Phoenix.
Girl friends like these – the ones who embrace not only you but also your children – are uniquely special. My children don’t call my best girlfriends by their names… That call them Auntie Katie, Auntie Nohemi and Auntie Lauren. My girl friends treat my children as if they were their own. They love them – and me – unconditionally. We enjoy doing life together. It’s little experiences like this day trip to Sedona that allow us to deepen our bonds.
I really hope you enjoy our video below and get to experience friendships like the ones I have with my girls! Leave a comment and let us know what your favorite (or ideal) daytrip is.